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CSMU School of Pharmacy

CSMU School of Pharmacy ( CSMUSOP) is heart of Chhatrpati Shivaji Mharaj University ( CSMU). The department runs both D.Pharm. & B.Pharm. With 60 and 100 seats respectively. This department has been established with a view to promote excellence in Pharmaceutical education and to prepare young generation to meet the challenges, contribute to society and take responsibility of leadership in Pharmaceutical Sciences by utilizing experiences of skilled staff and sophisticated technologies with available resources at the CSMUSOP. The department is also know by highly organized well-equipped laboratories, sophisticated instrumentation rooms, library with unlimited Wi-Fi internet and smart class rooms with LCD Projectors. The department prime focus is to provide a cordial atmosphere at the premises to build up and boost up confidence of students and teaching faculty. The USP & commitment of this department is to invite learned and eminent academicians, scientists, researchers and dignitaries to deliver seminar and lectures to create enthusiasm and zeal among students and staff members for educational excellence.

Department USPs

  • Modern Infrastructure
  • Smart Classrooms
  • Committed to invite learned and eminent academicians, scientists, researchers and dignitaries to deliver seminar and lectures to create enthusiasm and zeal among students and staff members for educational excellence.

Department at a Glance

  • Well Equipped laboratory with latest technology.
  • Smart Classroom.
  • More than 5000 books of reputed publishers.
  • Highly qualified and skilled faculty members
  • Adopted modern teaching methods including Chalk & Talk.
  • Skilled base educational activities and seminars conducting at regular intervals.


Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab

Objective: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to

  • Explain the gross morphology, structure and functions of various organs of the human body.
  • Describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances.
  • Identify the various tissues and organs of different systems of human body.
  • Perform the various experiments related to special senses and nervous system.
  • Appreciate coordinated working pattern of different organs of each system

Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course student shall be able to

  • Understand the principles of volumetric and electro chemical analysis
  • Carryout various volumetric and electrochemical titrations
  • Develop analytical skills

Pharmaceutics Lab

Objective: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to

  • Know the history of profession of pharmacy
  • Understand the basics of different dosage forms, pharmaceutical incompatibilities and pharmaceutical calculations.
  • Understand the professional way of handling the prescription
  • Preparation of various conventional dosage forms

Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course student shall be able to

  • Know the sources of impurities and methods to determine the impurities in inorganic drugs and pharmaceuticals.
  • Understand the medicinal and pharmaceutical importance of inorganic compounds

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

  • Write the structure, name and the type of isomerism of the organic compound
  • Write the reaction, name the reaction and orientation of reactions
  • Account for reactivity/stability of compounds, identify/confirm the identification of organic compound
  • Synthesis based on various name reactions.

Biochemistry Lab

Objective: Upon completion of course student shell able to

  • Understand the catalytic role of enzymes, importance of enzyme inhibitors in design of new drugs, therapeutic and diagnostic applications of enzymes.
  • Understand the metabolism of nutrient molecules in physiological and pathological conditions.
  • Understand the genetic organization of mammalian genome and functions of DNA in the synthesis of RNAs and proteins.
  • Stability studies of Biological products.

Pharmaceutical Microbiology Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to

  • Understand methods of identification, cultivation and preservation of various microorganisms.
  • To understand the importance and implementation of sterlization in pharmaceutical processing and industry.
  • Learn sterility testing of pharmaceutical products.
  • Carry out microbiological standardization of Pharmaceuticals.
  • Understand the cell culture technology and its applications in pharmaceutical industries.

Pharmaceutical Engineering Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course student shall be able

  • To know various unit operations used in Pharmaceutical industries.
  • To understand the material handling techniques.
  • To perform various processes involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing process.
  • To carry out various test to prevent environmental pollution.
  • To appreciate and comprehend significance of plant lay out design for optimum use of resources.
  • To appreciate the various preventive methods used for corrosion control in Pharmaceutical industries.

Medicinal Chemistry Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

  • Understand the chemistry of drugs with respect to their pharmacological activity
  • Understand the drug metabolic pathways, adverse effect and therapeutic value of drugs
  • Know the Structural Activity Relationship (SAR) of different class of drugs
  • Write the chemical synthesis of somedrugs

Physical Pharmaceutics Lab

Objective: Upon the completion of the course student shall be able to

  • Understand various physicochemical properties of drug molecules in the designing the dosage forms
  • Know the principles of chemical kinetics & to use them for stability testing and determination of expiry date of formulations
  • Demonstrate use of physicochemical properties in the formulation development and evaluation of dosage forms

Pharmacology Lab

Objective: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to

  • Understand the pharmacological actions of different categories of drugs
  • Explain the mechanism of drug action at organ system/sub cellular/ macromolecular levels.
  • Apply the basic pharmacological knowledge in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
  • Observe the effect of drugs on animals by simulated experiments
  • Appreciate correlation of pharmacology with other bio medical sciences

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able

  • To know the techniques in the cultivation and production of crude drugs
  • To know the crude drugs, their uses and chemical nature
  • Know the evaluation techniques for the herbal drugs
  • To carry out the microscopic and morphological evaluation of crude drugs

Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the course student shall be able to

  • Understand the basic concepts in biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics and their significance.
  • Use of plasma drug concentration-time data to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters to describe the kinetics of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, elimination.
  • To understand the concepts of bioavailability and bioequivalence of drug products and their significance.
  • Understand various pharmacokinetic parameters, their significance & applications

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Lab

Objective: Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to

  • Understanding the importance of Immobilized enzymes in Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Genetic engineering applications in relation to production of pharmaceuticals
  • Importance of Monoclonal antibodies in Industries.
  • Appreciate the use of microorganisms in fermentation technology

Dietary Supplements And Nutraceuticals Lab

Objective: This module aims to provide an understanding of the concepts behind the theoretical applications of dietary supplements. By the end of the course, students should be able to

  • Understand the need of supplements by the different group of people to maintain healthy life.
  • Understand the outcome of deficiencies in dietary supplements..
  • Appreciate the components in dietary supplements and the application.
  • Appreciate the regulatory and commercial aspects of dietary supplements including health claims.


Ms. Vanita Lokhande

M. Pharm. Ph.D. (Pursuing)

Our Programmes

Our Programmes


Duration: 2 years

Eligibility: Passed 10+2 examination with English as one of the subjects with PCM and/or Biology (PCB/PCMB) as optional subjects individually

Course Fees:

  • INR 1,75,000 per annum for Indian Students
  • INR 1,75,000 per annum for Foreign Students
Our Programmes

Bachelor In Pharmacy

Duration: 4 years

Eligibility: Passed 10+2 examination with English as one of the subjects with PCM and/or Biology (PCB/PCMB) as optional subjects individually

Course Fees:

  • INR 1,75,000 per annum for Indian Students
  • INR 1,75,000 per annum for Foreign Students

Department Gallery

For many years India has an important position in the global pharmaceuticals sector. As per a Survey report The Indian pharmaceuticals market is the third largest in terms of volume and thirteenth largest in terms of value. India is also known by the largest provider of generic drugs globally and share almost 20 per cent of global exports in terms of volume. This consistency makes Pharmacy profession very lucrative in terms of building careers and practicing novel services.

Research & Development
Manufacturing / Production
Packaging and Labeling
Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Sales and Marketing
Production & Management
Regulatory Affairs and IPR
Clinical Research and CRO
Hospital Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacist
Community Pharmacist (Drug Store)
Academics / Teaching
Drug Control Administration (Drug Inspector)
Medical Transcription
Nuclear pharmacy