RTI Act 2005
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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Humanities

Mechanical engineering is a broad engineering discipline that incorporates skills and expertise in the areas of design, manufacturing, mechanics and thermal sciences that are essential to most sectors of industry. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines and one of the most preferred one by the engineering aspirants.

The department offers undergraduate, Post graduate and Ph.D programmes. Undergraduate course in Mechanical Engineering & Postgraduate courses are offered in Machine Design and Product Design & Manufacturing. In addition to this M.Tech and Ph.D courses are offered for those who are working in institution and industry through Research and Development center.

Laboratories in the department are well equipped to facilitate the conduction of experiments prescribed in the curriculum and also to carry out the research work. Some of the research facilities like, Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA), Optical microscope, 3D printer, and Hydraulic press etc. are utilized by MSc and Ph.D research scholars of our institution and other institutions.

  • Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory
  • Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
  • Geotechnical Laboratory
  • Mechanical Engineering Workshop


HOD Image

Mr. Rakesh Junnarkar

Email: [email protected]

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Programmes Offered

ProgrammeDurationEligibility CriteriaMode of Admission/
Entrance Exam
Syllabus Link
B.Tech.4 yearsPassed 10+2 examination with
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
as compulsory subjects with at least
45% marks in aggregate


Passed Diploma examination in
relevant branch of Engineering with
at least 45% marks in aggregate

M.Tech.2 yearsMinimum 50% marks in B. Tech
(Mechanical. Engg.)
Ph.D.3 years(min)As per UGC Regulations 2022CSMU-PET /NET/

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