RTI Act 2005
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Equal Opportunities (Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups-SEDGs) Cell

Objectives of the Cell:

  1. Improving equitable access to quality education for SEDGs through bridge courses, earnwhile-learn, and outreach programme;
  2. Extending and ensuring basic facilities and amenities to SEDGs for inclusive, healthy, safe, and secure environments on campuses;
  3. Setting up SEDGs Cell for the purpose of sensitization of all stakeholders, policy implementation, monitoring, equalizing access to inclusive quality higher education, ensuring respectful dignity, promoting egalitarian and constitutional values, and grievance redressal in the HEIs

Members of the Cell

S. No.NameDesignationPosition in CommitteeContact Number
1Dr. Mohsin HasanDean, Faculty of PharmacyChairperson8750416022
2Dr. Yatindra KumarProf. of BiotechnologyMember8290499383
3Dr. Praveen GuptaProf. of CS & Director, IQACMember7987291916
4Dr. Alka PandeyAsso. Prof. of Commerce & Chairperson of ICCMember7498863972
5Ms. Nilam NileAsst. Prof. of PharmacyMember8855912342
6Dr. Vikas kumarProf. of CSMember7914974710
6Mr. Manish SamantaStudent, B.Tech. (Biotechnology)Member
7Ms. Sanghavi KambleStudent, B.Tech. (CSE)Member
8Ms. Dipali PatilAsst. Registrar (Admissions)Member – Secretary9653292995